Saturday 5 December 2015

What has nature ever done for us? How money really does grow on trees

I think I first found this book described (link goes to norwegian text)on the pages of the Friends of the Earth Norway
I keep coming back to it, reading a chapter now and another then, although I have already read it as a whole. It is the kind of book that you should not really bring if you are to read nearby a stranger, as your inner missionary will urge you to read all the important stuff out loud...
Tony Juniper, well known in Britain, takes us for a journey to the most different parts of the planet, looking whith economic glasses to different parts of nature. I was really fascinated by the paramo of in the colombian Andes, and their huge impression on the water quality for the rest of the country. This was a totally new natural habitat for me, why have none told me of it before? The same feeling crept upon me while reading the chapter named Insurance. I felt somewhat educated about the importance of mangroves in advance, but my knowledge appeared pretty scarce compared to what everybody SHOULD have known.
And the same goes for the health benefits of cycling in Copenhagen, the importance of oyster banks and so on! Every chapter, actually.
The book has its own home page,and links to another page where all the references are kept. This invaluable resource contains reading to last for weeks after you have read the book and lent it to other people you think needs to gain the same insights as you just have.

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